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Dr Tara Skye Goldin Health Hacks
How to Stay Healthy During Cold and Flu Season immune support Nov 01, 2013

Here are some simple things that you can do to protect yourself and your family this winter! Be well!

1. Wash your hands! This is THE single most important thing that you can do to prevent the spread of the cold or the flu!

2. Avoid sugar, caffeine, alcohol, and your food allergens. By avoiding...

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Support Your Lungs, Support Your Breath lung health Oct 16, 2013

The Autumn seasonal change is a optimal time to support your lungs. Actually any time is a good time to support your lungs since it is after all a vital organ. But this time of year is especially beneficial since the lung energy is amplified. Here are some tips on how you may support your lung...

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Homeopathic Remedies for #BoulderFlood stress Sep 16, 2013

As most of you probably know by now, my community in Colorado has been hit exceptionally hard by the recent flooding in Boulder County.  While I realize that most people’s primary concerns is getting to safety,  dealing with the flooding and its effects on   homes,...

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Balancing Yourself for Better Sleep sleep stress Sep 14, 2013

Sleep disorders run rampant in our society. Also they become more commonplace in women as they hit perimenopause due to various hormonal influences. While the stress/cortisol imbalance accounts for what I believe is the majority of the sleeplessness we as a society experience, here are some...

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Healthy Kids! children's health Sep 11, 2013

Here are some very general tips for keeping children healthy any time of the year!

1. Allow them the time and structure to get plenty of fresh air and exercise. A guideline is 1 hour of unstructured outdoor play (weather permitting) and 1 hour of structured physical activity per day. This is...

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Anti-Aging Tips for the Longevity Lifestyle aging Aug 07, 2013

Here are a few of my favorite anti-aging tips:

1. Manage your stress well. High cortisol levels contribute to cellular oxidative stress and weight gain as well as sleep disturbances. Sleep disturbances will interfere with cellular rest and repair. So high levels of stress and unhappiness...

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Estrogen Dominance and PMDD hormone balancing women's health Jul 31, 2013

This one is for the ladies and the men and children who live with them.For many women their monthly cycles are dreaded events with PMDD (Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder), which is like PMS “on steroids”. This syndrome can include severe mood swings, irritability and depressive and...

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Supporting Healthy Digestion gut health leaky gut nutrition Jul 24, 2013

Since I firmly believe that good nutrition is the bedrock to good health, it goes to follow that a healthy and functioning digestive system is also crucial to optimal health.
One can be eating the “perfect” diet, yet if your digestive system is compromised, than your health will also...

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Lifestyle Choices to Beat Inflammation! inflammation Jun 17, 2013

Inflammation is one of the causes as well as the result of many chronic diseases including asthma, eczema, arthritis, colitis, IBS, heart disease, cancer and fibromyalgia, as well as many other chronic discomforts of the body. Luckily there are many things one can do to naturally help the body to...

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Simple Ways to do a Gentle Detox nutrition Jun 03, 2013

There are many simple and safe ways to initiate a light detox.  This is mainly for those wanting to do some easy things for themselves. Be advised that pregnant or nursing women should wait until after weaning to do a serious detox, though they may follow many of the recommendations to avoid...

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Addicted to Sugar? children's health nutrition weight loss May 21, 2013

Just because you and your family are staying away from excess sugar consumption doesn’t mean that you have to miss all of the fun! Here are a few suggestions so that you can still enjoy life and have things that “everyone else has”.

1. ” Buy back” your child’s...

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Nurturing a Healthy Digestive System gut health nutrition May 09, 2013

Everyone takes it in the gut every now and again! Perhaps a trip to Mexico or India got your gut, or a nasty infection where you had to take antibiotics , or even just years of eating a poor diet. Here are some tips to help heal your gut and get you back into form!

1. Take probiotics regularly....

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