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Dr Tara Skye Goldin Health Hacks
Is Gluten Evil? autoimmune bread celiac gluten guthealth health Mar 18, 2019

Find out here the real story behind gluten and why it is so controversial! 

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The REAL Truth About Superfoods! nutrition Mar 11, 2019

Is there any reality to the term "Superfoods"? 

Is this just another way to sell expensive supplements?

Watch my video and I will tell you what I think! 

And let me know what YOU think! 

With Big Love, 

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Why are food habit changes so difficult to sustain? Why is unhealthy food so addictive? nutrition restrictive diets sibo weight loss Oct 01, 2018

You came in to your new revamped diet with the best  of intentions. Maybe your health provider really stressed how important it was to be successful this time. Maybe your weight has been creeping upwards, or your cardiovascular numbers weren’t good or your A1C was creeping upwards....

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Histamine Reactions? gut health histamine sibo Sep 10, 2018

  Carol, a 53 year old real estate broker with 2 children, had been noticing more allergic reactions  in the past 6 months. Her symptoms were wide ranging. Sometimes it was digestive upset, sometimes she would actually develop itching and hives. Her sleep had gotten a lot worse and she...

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Beyond “Food Jail” …er… Restrictive Diets celiac gluten nutrition restrictive diets sibo stress Nov 29, 2017

A lot of my patients are on restrictive diets. I walk them through the process, how to deal with the emotions, how to manage it with their busy chaotic lives, so they can allow their bodies to heal from inflammation, bacterial overgrowth, autoimmune disorders, etc. Most of the time these diets...

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What I Learned about Portion Control from the Japanese nutrition weight loss Nov 19, 2017

Many years ago when I was freshly out of college I worked as a Foreign Fisheries Observer in the Bering Sea off the coast of Alaska. This was in the early 1980’s and a great way for me to parlay my B.S. in Biology into a decent paying job (which was a rarity back then).   This...

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Restrictive Diets Can Trigger a Lot of Emotions! nutrition stress Nov 03, 2017

Do you struggle with the emotions surrounding your health plan or restricted diet? Whether it is for weight loss or to heal and correct a health condition it can be extremely challenging to stick to the plan. It is understandable that there may be associated feelings around this.

Mary felt...

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Therapeutic Diets: Which One Should I Choose? nutrition Sep 18, 2017

Are you confused about which therapeutic diet you should choose? You aren’t alone! With so many to choose from, it is no wonder that some people have a lot of trouble figuring out their diet and nutrition.

Kathryn  knew she wanted to change her diet to get healthier and maybe even...

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Healing GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease) celiac gluten gut health inflammation Sep 06, 2017

Sally, 48, often felt a burning pain in her upper abdominal area after eating and received a diagnosis of GERD. After visiting  a gastroenterologist where she was told that it had nothing to do with her diet and she needed to be on a proton pump inhibitor indefinitely, (PPI), she...

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Lack of Sleep Affects Gut Health (and Vice Versa!) gut health inflammation sleep stress Jun 22, 2017

Maria , 29, went through a very painful breakup 2 years ago and began having insomnia (trouble sleeping). Along with processing the grief through the loss of her relationship, she began to experience stomach pain and abdominal bloating. She had read that an imbalance in her gut could be...

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Why Everything Containing Folic Acid Belongs in the Trash! metabolism mthfr nutrition Jun 10, 2017

Back in the 1990’s the discovery that folates could prevent neural tube defects in babies became the impetus for folic acid, an inexpensive form of folate, to be added to grain and cereal products as well as becoming a universal ingredient in prenatal vitamins and other dietary supplements....

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All About Cytokines! gut health inflammation May 13, 2017

What are Cytokines and what’s that have to do with me?

Stephanie, 47, spent most of her free time lying on the couch and spacing out. She knew that she should get up and be productive, but her ind and body weren’t supporting that right now. She was feeling incredibly fatigued and...

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