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Dr Tara Skye Goldin Health Hacks
PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) hormone balancing women's health Apr 15, 2015

PCOS (Polycystic ovarian syndrome) is a condition that is becoming more and more common. If left untreated, women with PCOS have an increased risk of developing gynecological cancers as well as developing Type 2 Diabetes.

Women with PCOS may present with one or more of the following: irregular...

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About the MTHFr Mutation metabolism mthfr Mar 09, 2015

According to research, approximately 45% of the population has what is known as the MTHFr mutation, with 13-15% of that population having serious effects to their health from this mutation.



What does it mean to my health if I have the MTHFr mutation?

Having the MTHFr mutation means...

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Interstitial Cystitis? bladder inflammation Feb 11, 2015

If you have ever felt urgency, frequency and pain during urination along with pain above the pubic bone, it is quite possible that you were experience a urinary tract infection. Diagnosis of a urinary tract infection ( or a UTI) is normally done by performing a test on your urine to see if it...

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Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding hormone balancing women's health Feb 11, 2015

Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding is irregular uterine bleeding that occurs in the absence of recognizable pelvic pathology, general medical disease, or pregnancy.   I am seeing more and more of this in my naturopathic medical practice as our environment is becoming more laden with...

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Acne hormone balancing nutrition skin Feb 11, 2015

Acne is most prevalent during puberty and adolescence as hormonal levels increase, though it can continue to be an issue or develop anew well into adulthood. Dietary changes can and do improve acne as well as exfoliation to remove the dead skin cells so that the pores stay unclogged.


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Digestive Health, the Microbiome, and its connection to all things autoimmune gut health inflammation Dec 17, 2014

For decades naturopathic doctors have known about the link between gut flora and health. Harvard and other institutions are now in the process of mapping the microbiome so as to determine links between health and gut flora balance. Fantastic news that Harvard is finally catching up to the...

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Eczema – that annoying itch! allergies inflammation skin health Dec 10, 2014

Eczema is chronic inflammation of the skin which is caused by inflammation. The inflammation can be due to irritants or allergens topically/environmentally or internally through the digestive system. Often I find that if I can heal the GI tract and the digestive system, and eliminate food and...

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Chronic Ear Infections (Otitis Media) in Children children's health Dec 10, 2014

Chronic, recurrent ear infections are a common condition in young children. This is due to various factors. The main factor is the structural shape of a young child’s ear canal. The canal is shorter in young children and the shape of the eustacean tube straighter than in adults, making a...

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You and Your Adrenals hormone balancing sleep stress Oct 16, 2014

I am thinking a lot about the adrenal glands these days since their function seems to tie into so many other endocrine systems such as our insulin regulation as well as thyroid hormones, the immune system and our reproductive hormones.  I used to think of the adrenal glands as just our...

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Naturally Healthy Skin skin health Sep 23, 2014

I am asked frequently how one can better support skin health. Skin tends to age faster in hot, dry, sunny Colorado, as well as increase your risk of developing skin cancer. While there are a myriad of topical creams, sunscreens and toners out there, and I recommend that you use a good one such as...

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Bone Broth Recipes! celiac gluten gut health nutrition recipes Sep 12, 2014

For many of my patients who have GI issues such as food allergies, celiac disease, candida overgrowth, etc.  I often recommend bone broth to aid in restoring and repairing the villi of the GI tract.  Bone broth contains easily digestible micronutrients and minerals to help tissues to...

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Purging! nutrition weight loss Aug 15, 2014

This morning, on my day “off” from seeing patients, I cleaned out my son’s room in preparation for his attending middle school. Out went (most of ) his old school projects, the large bin of legos (most of which were passed down from his older brother) as well as lots of other...

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