Erin, a 50 year old mother of 3 with a demanding full time job , sat in my office one day last year feeling overwhelmed and sick. Her job required that she spend a lot of time on the computer . Her hands were becoming so sore that she was finding it difficult to type on the...
Martha , a 48 year old working mother, came to see me in my office because a few hours after she ate her belly blew up like a balloon. She experienced severe bloating , gas, and cramping. “I feel like I am 5 months pregnant!” she cried. “And then it hurts so much I have to go...
Susan, a 45 year old mother of 2 sat on the couch in my office. She was frowning. She hadn’t been able to make any of the dietary changes I’d recommended because she had been told by her husband and sister that eating organic foods was “too expensive” and they didn’t...
Many years ago, fresh out of med school I was so fatigued that I needed a 2 hour afternoon nap almost every day because I would have a brown out around 3-5 PM. I would go home from work, crash out, and wake up in time to throw something together for dinner. Even though I was...
Back in the not so distant past, the vegetarian diet was considered a cure-all for many illnesses. This was back when we believed that carbs were good and fats were bad. It all sounded like such a great idea… the problem was that clinically it just didn’t work!
We all read articles...
I grew up having to swig Pepto Bismol in order to stop my digestive problems long enough to go to a slumber party with my friends without having excruciating stomach cramping ,bloating, and all around feeling sick. But I didn’t realize I was reacting to certain foods until I was much older....
You feel it right when it starts. You think “Oh no! Not again! I was so careful! !” But perhaps there was cross contamination at that restaurant and that entrée wasn’t really gluten free. Perhaps someone snuck some flour into the sauce at that potluck (Potlucks are often...
PCOS (Polycystic ovarian syndrome) is a condition that is becoming more and more common. If left untreated, women with PCOS have an increased risk of developing gynecological cancers as well as developing Type 2 Diabetes.
Women with PCOS may present with one or more of the following: irregular...
According to research, approximately 45% of the population has what is known as the MTHFr mutation, with 13-15% of that population having serious effects to their health from this mutation.
What does it mean to my health if I have the MTHFr mutation?
Having the MTHFr mutation means...
If you have ever felt urgency, frequency and pain during urination along with pain above the pubic bone, it is quite possible that you were experience a urinary tract infection. Diagnosis of a urinary tract infection ( or a UTI) is normally done by performing a test on your urine to see if it...
Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding is irregular uterine bleeding that occurs in the absence of recognizable pelvic pathology, general medical disease, or pregnancy. I am seeing more and more of this in my naturopathic medical practice as our environment is becoming more laden with...
Acne is most prevalent during puberty and adolescence as hormonal levels increase, though it can continue to be an issue or develop anew well into adulthood. Dietary changes can and do improve acne as well as exfoliation to remove the dead skin cells so that the pores stay unclogged.