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Dr Tara Skye Goldin Health Hacks
Is Ibuprofen Effective for Depression? anxiety cytokines depression inflammation mood neurotransmitters Dec 16, 2019

There is a surprising link between Inflammation and Depression. So it is very interesting that by treating inflammation you can have an effect on depression and other mood issues. 

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What Causes Embarrassing Gas... bloating gut health ibs sibo Dec 09, 2019

There are times when gas passes involuntarily and it is super embarrassing. Especially if you can clear a room. Here is what causes it and what you can do about it! 

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Pain and Inflammation? Try this... gut health inflammation pain Dec 02, 2019

If you are having chronic pain and inflammation, there are some lifestyle interventions that can really help!

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The Shocking Truth About Vitamins from Amazon! supplements vitamins Nov 25, 2019

If you are concerned with the quality,  potency, and purity of your supplements, do NOT purchase them from Amazon! 

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You Can't Win Against This Triple Threat to your Body! nutrition sleep stress Nov 18, 2019

Learn how the  triple threat of stress, sleep, and junkfood is driving the illness industry pharmaceutical sick-care system. 

Fight back against the machine by getting a handle on those things! 

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How to survive the holidays without gaining weight. nutrition weight loss Nov 11, 2019

Americans typically gain 3-7 lbs over the holidays. Try these simple strategies to stem the weight gain tide and keep January fit and strong! 

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How to Find Your IBS Triggers. digestion gerd gut health ibs sibo Nov 04, 2019

In order to get a handle on  your IBS, it is important to understand the root cause and triggers. 

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Got Rashes? How Food Affects Your Skin. eczema food allergies nutrition skin Aug 26, 2019

Watch this video to learn how food affects your skin and what you can do about it. 

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Squashing Sugar Cravings for Good! cravings nutrition sugar Aug 12, 2019

Learn ways to balance your blood sugar and eliminate sugar cravings by watching this video. 

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Celery Juice: the Latest "Superfood"... Or is it? nutrition Aug 05, 2019

Find out my thoughts on the latest celery juice craze. 

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Can't Sleep? Try this... adrenals hpa axis sleep stress Jul 29, 2019

Sleep and stress issues have become an epidemic in our world. 

Watch this video learn what you can do to improve your sleep. 

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