Maybe you were shocked that your bloodwork came back with these results. Here is what you can do about it.
Eating in an unrestricted way may sometimes be the most healing thing, for example, when healing from an eating disorder. Other times, like spending money we need to rein it in or suffer dire consequences.
You may have heard people you know saying that they practice "Intuitive Eating". Find out what intuitive eating is and how to use it successfully. And what needs to be in place before it can work optimally.
Watch this video for solutions for when you have nausea.
Watch this video to hear my thoughts on this.
Everyone suffers from gas and bloating every now and then. Some people have more issues with it. Here are some ideas of what you can do!
There is a surprising link between Inflammation and Depression. So it is very interesting that by treating inflammation you can have an effect on depression and other mood issues.
There are times when gas passes involuntarily and it is super embarrassing. Especially if you can clear a room. Here is what causes it and what you can do about it!
If you are having chronic pain and inflammation, there are some lifestyle interventions that can really help!
If you are concerned with the quality, potency, and purity of your supplements, do NOT purchase them from Amazon!
Learn how the triple threat of stress, sleep, and junkfood is driving the illness industry pharmaceutical sick-care system.
Fight back against the machine by getting a handle on those things!