Celebrating the Return of the Light in January
Jan 04, 2014January is such a curious time of the year. Here we are in the dead of winter, where it is still cold outside for the most part and the days are still quite short. Yet we celebrate the birth of a new year here once again! It is the birth of the return of the light as the days slowly, incrementally get longer. For many it is a tough time of the year since it is still dark and cold out , and there are no more holiday parties to go to. Yet we must still stay open to the signs that warmth , light , and abundance are coming back soon! The winter solstice was the stillpoint at the fulcrum of change. Stay hopeful! Here are some tips to feel good and renew and regenerate in preparation for the return of the light.
1. While it is still dark and cold outside, take the time to meditate , pray and do yoga. This will keep your channels and meridians clear for the new ideas and inspirations that will be coming as the days grow longer.
2. Exercise outdoors on sunny days. Skiing is great for this. I personally love Nordic skiing and find it very transformative to my energy.
3. Drink plenty of water. 64 ounces per day is what I usually recommend for those living here in Colorado.
4. Eat warming organic foods and dark leafy greens. The soup recipe in this issue is very warming and nourishing and chi building. Dark leafy greens contain lots of iron and other blood building nutrients. Avoid overeating carbohydrates as that is often what causes weight gain.
5. Take your vitamins! A good multivitamin will compensate for the sometimes lack of organic local produce available in winter.
6. Get a massage once in a while. Once per month is optimal for most people. If you need a recommendation for a good therapist in Boulder, I can give one.
7. Avoid sugar, caffeine , alcohol, and nicotine. These will deplete you and clog up your inspiration producing channels. If you are using these substances to excess and need help quitting, seek professional help as needed.