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Dr Tara Skye Goldin Health Hacks
Brain Health and Neurotransmitters Linked to Gut Health brain fog fatigue gut health inflammation Jul 07, 2014

Did you know that the health of your gut can effect your moods? A while ago, someone coined the phrase “Gut Psychology Syndrome” for the effect that a leaky or inflamed gut can have on neurotransmitter production (or lack thereof).   The special diet and protocol have been...

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My Health – A Journey into Terrier Consciousness allergies nutrition Jun 16, 2014

Here is an article I wrote a while ago for elephant journal:

Waylon has wanted me to write something for elephant journal for a while now.

While I appreciate that he enjoys my writing , I have been at a loss as to what to write about… until a friend on Facebook posted the above photo of me...

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Beating Inflammation – the root of many chronic diseases autoimmune inflammation Jun 02, 2014

Inflammation is one of the causes as well as the result of many chronic diseases including asthma, eczema, arthritis, colitis, IBS, heart disease, and fibromyalgia, as well as many other chronic discomforts of the body. Luckily there are many things one can do to naturally help the body to reduce...

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Is Fasting a Good Idea? nutrition Apr 25, 2014

Many of you ask me about fasting. Fasting can be a great way to clear your mind, body, and spirit of any impurities known and unknown that one may be harboring. That said, many of you also know that I hardly ever spontaneously recommend fasting for my patients as part of a general treatment plan....

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Breast Health Tips cancer hormone balancing women's health Apr 16, 2014

Here are a few general tips for breast health.

1. Eat and drink organic. Pesticides and herbicides mimic estrogen in the body, thus increasing breast cancer risk. If you live in an agricultural area , it may be a good idea to detoxify every spring.

2. Drink at least 8 -8 oz glasses of purified...

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Natural Help for Allergies allergies Mar 21, 2014

Many people feel a sense of relief and well being upon the arrival of spring. Days are warmer and longer, flowers are blooming, and many enjoy wearing lighter clothes and feeling the warm air against their skin. And in Boulder, opportunities for a myriad of outdoor activities abound. This makes...

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Cortisol Levels and Sleep sleep stress Mar 13, 2014

Cortisol is a major hormone among many that is released by the adrenal glands. The adrenal glands secrete our “fight or flight” hormones that we as a species evolved with so that we could outrun that sabre toothed tiger. When cortisol is released, we are on high alert. Blood rushes to...

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Naturopathic Medicine and Oncology- OncANP Conference Highlights cancer Mar 05, 2014

A couple of weekends ago I had the privilege to attend my 3rd OnCANP (Oncology Association of Naturopathic Physicians) Conference in Phoenix, Arizona. It was one of the most informative conferences I have had the privilege to attend. Many more oncology patients are showing up in my practice as...

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Protect Your Joints! aging inflammation Jan 16, 2014

There are many things that one can do to protect your joints from the ravages of time . Here are just a few of them!

1. Choose low impact sports for the bulk of your workouts. Swimming, yoga, walking, cycling, and low impact aerobics are but a few of the activities that are easy on your joints....

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Celebrating the Return of the Light in January Jan 04, 2014

January is such a curious time of the year. Here we are in the dead of winter, where it is still cold outside for the most part and the days are still quite short. Yet we celebrate the birth of a new year here once again!   It is the birth of the return of the light as the days slowly,...

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Avoid and Prevent Winter Weight Gain! nutrition weight loss women's health Nov 20, 2013

It is very common in northern latitudes for the average American to gain from 2 – 10 pounds each winter especially during the holidays when there are more parties and gatherings centered around food. Here are a few tips to prevent winter weight gain from compromising your health goals this...

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Heal the Gut! (What???) autoimmune celiac fatigue gluten gut health Nov 07, 2013

So many of the chronic, inflammatory, and autoimmune diseases that I see over and over again in my practice can be helped by looking at and focusing treatment on healing the GI tract, or the gut.  Many  of my patients who seem to have disparate symptoms and names for their diagnosed...

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