Homeopathic Remedies for #BoulderFlood
Sep 16, 2013
As most of you probably know by now, my community in Colorado has been hit exceptionally hard by the recent flooding in Boulder County. While I realize that most people’s primary concerns is getting to safety, dealing with the flooding and its effects on homes, finances, and places of business, remember homeopathy can be a powerful tool right now. Feel free to use it whether or not you “believe in it”.
These are the remedies one would use while coping with the situation or the immediate aftereffects of the situation. These are good to have around and are common remedies in homeopathic first aid kits. They may also be considered for the acute ailments that follow a stressful event such as our 1000 year flood.
ACONITE – after being in a shocking or frightening situation such as a battle or natural disaster. Even given to newborns after a traumatic birth. Used after a huge fright. I often recommend 1 dose of the 1M potency in this situation, but use whatever potency you happen to have available. Later we may see sudden acute colds and flus coming on that will also need this remedy. The keynote is sudden, rapid onset with dry heat. Often associated with fear of death.
IGNATIA AMARA – use after an acute emotional shock, loss, or grief, such as death of a loved one, loss of home. People who need this remedy may react with a sense of unreality or disbelief. Can also be used for “hysteria” (even though I hate the misogynistic overtones of that word… it is in the old homeopathic literature.)
ARSENICUM ALBUM – useful for acute panic/anxiety attacks. Also useful for diarrhea and vomiting from food poisoning. More on that later… Anxiety with restlessness along with exhaustion. Does not want to be left alone. Very chilly remedy.
BRYONIA ALBA – irritable, worried about business concerns/losses. Ailments/pains are worse motion. Headaches. Likes to lie completely still. Very thirsty, usually. Dry painful cough in acute respiratory illnesses.
ARNICA MONTANA – for acute physical trauma, accidents or injuries. This is a first aid remedy . Given early it will reduce swelling and bruising. Also for overexertion and muscular strains. Will help clear the lactic acid and help in muscle recovery for those digging trenches, bailing water for hours on end.
BELLIS PERENNIS – for physical trauma of organs. Works a bit deeper than ARNICA. I have used it for patients post-abdominal surgery, for example. Also reduces effects of lengthy sitting.
This may come in handy for those who were exposed to contaminated wastewater and sewage. This might become a growing issue.
ARSENICUM ALBUM – see above. Often both diarrhea and vomiting together, but not always. Frequent watery stools with burning discharges, anxiety, restlessness. Number 1 first aid remedy for food poisoning.
VERATRUM ALBUM – Can look very similar to Arsenicum with profuse cold sweat and watery diarrhea. Thirsty, whereas Arsenicum is thirsty for small sips only. Thirsty, but cold drinks aggravate condition. Better walking.
PODOPHYLLUM explosive, offensive often yellow stools.
CHINA OFFICIONALIS – Remedy for dehydration from diarrhea. Painless diarrhea
As my brilliant colleague, Ruth Adele, ND in Colorado Springs, reminded me, there will most likely be respiratory ailments related to mold growth. Here are some that come to mind:
PHOSPHORUS – Lingering, tickling coughs, worse cold air, worse exertion, worse talking and laughing, worse change of temperature and weather, worse lying flat or on left side, better sitting or lying on right.
BRYONIA – see above. Dry cough, irritability, thirst for cold drinks.
DROSERA – Violent fits of coughing , sometimes so severe that the patient cannot catch his breath.
RHUS TOX is a remedy that is worse dampness, and so conditions that aggravate with increased dampness in the environment may need Rhus tox if indicated. I imagine that we will see a few “Genus epidemicus” remedies emerging from the aftermath of this flooding so I invite feedback from other homeopaths about what you are seeing in your clinic and in your communities. And also if I omitted anything that you feel is important related to homeopathic #boulderflood remedies, I would love to hear your observations or insights.
And some additions from Jody Shevins, ND, Boulder’s Newsletter:
Natrum muriaticum: for an inward type of grief, dwelling on the negative with increased thirst and cravings for salt
Natrum sulphuricum: for symptoms aggravated by rain and humidity like asthma and rashes